Monday, December 2, 2013

December News

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.  The Beardsley Zoo visited Monroe Elementary before the break.  The children had fun watching Mrs. Kovachi holding an exoskeleton of a very large spider!

We will be filling the month reading books about various winter holidays and learning a little bit about how people celebrate this month.

The children will be exposed to various types of informational writing.  They will write opinion pieces and how-to books. I think that this will be a very exciting unit for the children.

We are beginning a new module in math.  The children are learning a quick way to add three numbers by finding a group of ten first.  As always, we will continue to work on problem solving and computation.

We are still reading The Year of Billy Miller.  Ask your child, did Billy ever stayed up all night?  Talk to your child about how they think Billy feels about his sister Sal.

Have a wonderful week and don't forget that we have an 12:20 dismissal on Wednesday.