Wednesday, April 28, 2010


As you may know by now, I had my tonsils out over vacation! I was hoping to be back to school mid-week but my recovery is going slower than I had planned. I am feeling better each day but it still hurts to talk for long periods of time. I will return on Monday, healthy and ready to enter the home stretch of Kindergarten!

This week the children were taught by Mrs. Procyck with the assistance of Mrs. Kruk and Mrs. Schwartz. Their days were structured in the same manner as when I am there. They all went to reading group each day and hopefully they all get to take at least one book home this week:)

They learned the formation and sound of letter Zz. Please keep practicing sight words at home and letter sounds. We will work on our science unit about shelters when I return and continue exploring poetry.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Show and Tell

We will have show and tell on Friday and I will try to have it once a month for the remainder of the year.

Please refrain from allowing your child to bring toys to school especially high-tech gadgets. They are a big distraction and I will not be responsible for things that get lost or broken.

Thanks for your help in this matter.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week of April 12th

Hope that you all enjoyed this lovely weekend and I am sure that you are looking forward to our time off next week.

We will explore and practice the formation of letter Nn this week.

In honor of Poetry Month, I have been exposing the children to poetry. This will also be the focus of our Writer's Workshop, wish us luck!! Today we read the poem, The Folk Who Live in Backward Town. Come up with some ideas together of other things the people in Backward Town would do.

Sight word lists are in the literacy bags. You may find more than one book in your child's literacy bag. Please have them practice reading this familiar text for fluency.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Update for the Week of April 5th

Hope that you all enjoyed this beautiful, long weekend.

We are working on the letter e sound and the formation of both uppercase E and lowercase e. We have been discussing 3-D shapes such as cubes, cones, spheres and rectangular prisms. The children have been participating in various math centers to aid them in identifying these shapes. In science, we have been discussing animal shelters and habitats. We have been classifying materials by things that are man-made and those that are natural.

Please review the short vowel sounds with your child. We have been practicing them a lot! Have them sing the song, Be My Echo for each vowel.

Reading - I am again re-vamping how I want to handle books being returned to me in the literacy bags. If your child brings a book home, please have them read it a few times that evening and return it the next day. This way I can send more than one book home a week if I see fit.
