Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Grade is Fabulous!

Here we are using the Chrome books in our classroom for the very first time.  The children were so excited and responsible!!  Ask your child about the lesson that Mrs. Guerrera taught them.

Please send in an old sock to school so that your child may use it as an eraser for their white board.

Please sign up to be a Mystery Reader or sign someone up in your family.  We already have 3 Mystery Readers on the calendar! 

Don't forget to work on your child's Map of the Heart for Writer's Workshop.  It will help them to generate ideas for writing.  Ask the children about the writing process where they Touch and Tell, Sketch and Write.  They will also tell you that we listen to classical music during writing.  It seems to get their creative juices flowing!

We are working on reading fluently.  The goal is to have the children read smoothly and not like robots.  This is so important in helping them become successful readers.  Some of the books in their bags may seem like an easy read but are they reading like a reader??  Also have them use their strategies when they have a book which is a little more challenging. 

Homework will be given each Tuesday and Thursday night.

As you get Math work sent home and you see that the Math sprints are not complete.  Do not worry.  Sprints are designed to develop fluency.  They are fun, adrenaline-rich activities that intentionally build energy and excitement for the students.  The students start to recognize their increasing success and improvement is celebrated.

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