Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring is here!

Sorry that I haven't posted in so long.  We have been so busy making up for lost time with all the snow.  Here is an update about what has been going on in Kindergarten.

The children have been busy researching and writing books about animals.  They will be on display outside our classroom.  I am really proud of the work they put into their books.

All of our students are readers!  I am sure you are as pleasantly surprised as I am.  Keep fostering that love of reading with them.  Sit down each night for some book time and discussion.  Don't give them a word right away when they get stuck.  Ask them to use their reading strategies.

We are having a lot of fun in math.  The children are playing a lot of number games that are causing them to really look closely at numbers.  Our focus has been teen numbers and counting quickly by making groups .

We will begin a unit in science about animal habitats and shelters next week.

April 3rd and 4th are conference days with early dismissals at 10:15.  Don't hesitate to request a conference even if I don't request one.

Happy Spring.  As always, it is wonderful to have your children in my life.  Thank you!

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