Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week of October 22nd

We have introduced 2 new authors this week:

Donald Crews and Doreen Cronin

We will use Donald Crews' books as mentor texts for writing.
We will be having an author's study on Doreen Cronin's Duck books.  We will be looking at the character traits of both Duck and Farmer Brown and deciding who would make a better President.  We will end this study by reading Duck for President and having an election.

Please review patterns at home.  Ask your child to make an AB, ABC, AABB, AAB or ABCD pattern.

We are studying the weather and temperature.  This would be a great conversation to have in the morning before school.

We have also reviewed 3-D shapes.  Our focus is on cubes, cylinders, cones, spheres and rectangular prism.  Ask your child to find these shapes around the house or at the grocery store.

Halloween Party and Parade:

Please don't forget to send your child into school this Friday, October 26th with their Halloween costume in a bag labelled with their name.  Our parade will begin at 10:30 if you are coming in to watch.

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