Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week of November 15th, 2010

Dates to Remember:
*Conference slips will go home on Thursday 11/18. Please send them back promptly.
*Turkey Trot Friday 11/19 - 10am
*Report Cards go home - Tuesday 11/23
*Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL 11/24, 11/25, 11/26
*Conferences - 11/30, 12/1, 12/2 - 1pm dismissal on each day

What we are learning in Room 32:
*We just finished our science unit on shadows and your children are experts. Ask them about how to make a long or short shadow. Also ask them about how their shadows change throughout the day.

*We have almost reviewed the formation and sounds of all of the letters. Please stress proper formation to your child when they are writing. We will be talking about plural s and apostrophe s next week.

*Sight Words- Everyone will get their child's sight word assessment sent home this week. Please make sure that you review the words that your child had difficulty spelling nightly. They will be re-assessed in a few weeks. If your child mastered many of the sight words, challenge them to write a story or a few sentences about a particular topic using 10 sight words that you give them.

*Reading-Your child's reading envelope should be in their home folder each day. Please have them read the books nightly for fluency. If they have cut-up sentences have them practice putting the sentences back together and read them aloud.

Writing - Donald Crews and Cynthia Rylant as writing mentors! We are crazy about these authors in our classroom and we are modelling our own writing after theirs. Please encourage this by seeking out these authors in the library and encouraging your child to write at home.

Math- Numbers to 20 and Number Patterns
*The children have been exploring teen numbers and have been introduced to place value. We have been doing a lot of different work with patterns as well. Next we will work with odd and even numbers and skip counting. We will end this unit of study by working with doubles.

1 comment:

  1. I'm coming in for the in-class after turkey trot festivities and bringing in popcorn. What time do you want me to come in?
